One of the UI features that Industries of Titan has been praised for is ultrawide monitor support.

Before launch we saw a comments asking whether we would support ultrawide, and post-launch threads popped up from players asking how good the support was.

Why it matters

Ultrawide monitors are those with an aspect ratio of 21:9, 32:9 or similar. They're great for providing an immersive experience, but require a bit of thought when designing the game's UI.

By default, your UI will probably scale to fill the screen, with some elements being anchored in the corners of the screen. On a 21:9 monitor, this means the player has to move their mouse (or their eyes) a really huge distance to interact with things.

Industries of Titan is a mouse-based strategy game, so the simplest UX improvement I could think of would be to clamp the UI so it only filled the middle of the screen, preserving the 16:9 ratio.

What it looks like in-game

In the Graphics section of the settings menu, we have a dedicated Ultrawide support area.

Players can choose to clamp the UI to the middle of the screen, and choose the aspect ratio of the clamp.

With the setting applied, the UI is constrained to the middle of the screen with the aspect ratio chosen by the player.

Unconstrained UI in a 21:9 window.

Unconstrained UI in a 21:9 window.

UI constrained to 16:9 within a 21:9 window.

UI constrained to 16:9 within a 21:9 window.

Unreal Implementation

The simplest way I could think of to support this was to create a new "Widescreen Panel" UserWidget, and use it to wrap the rest of the UI widgets.

It uses a SizeBox widget to clamp its contents to the player's chosen aspect ratio, and a NamedSlot to allow me to place things inside instances of it.

This is the widget hierarchy inside WBP_WidescreenPanel

└ WidescreenRatioSizeBox
  └ ContentSlot



// Copyright Brace Yourself Games. All Rights Reserved.

#pragma once

#include "Blueprint/UserWidget.h"
#include "BYGUWWidescreenPanel.generated.h"

class UBYGSizeBox;

UCLASS(Blueprintable, Abstract)
class UBYGUWWidescreenPanel : public UUserWidget

	virtual void NativeConstruct() override;

	UPROPERTY(meta = (BindWidget))
	TObjectPtr<UBYGSizeBox> WidescreenRatioSizeBox;

	void OnSettingsChanged();

	void UpdateWidescreenRatioSizeBox();



// Copyright Brace Yourself Games. All Rights Reserved.

#include "BYGUWWidescreenPanel.h"
#include "Titan/Core/BYGGameUserSettings.h"
#include "Components/SizeBox.h"
#include "Titan/Util/BYGGameplayStatics.h"

void UBYGUWWidescreenPanel::NativeConstruct()

	if (UBYGGameUserSettings* GameSettings = UBYGGameplayStatics::GetBYGGameUserSettings())
		GameSettings->OnSettingsChangedDelegate.AddUniqueDynamic(this, &UBYGUWWidescreenPanel::OnSettingsChanged);
		GameSettings->OnSettingsAppliedDelegate.AddUniqueDynamic(this, &UBYGUWWidescreenPanel::OnSettingsChanged);

void UBYGUWWidescreenPanel::OnSettingsChanged()

void UBYGUWWidescreenPanel::UpdateWidescreenRatioSizeBox()
	if (UBYGGameUserSettings* GameSettings = UBYGGameplayStatics::GetBYGGameUserSettings())
		if (GameSettings->UIWidescreenClampEnabled.GetCurrentValue())
			const FIntVector2D Vec = GameSettings->UIWidescreenClampRatioVec.GetCurrentValue();
			WidescreenRatioSizeBox->SetMaxAspectRatio(Vec.X / (float)Vec.Y);

Custom USizeBox

Update: January 2024

Huge thanks to DanteSSS333 for making a pull request on GitHub that fixes this. It looks like it was accepted into the engine on January 23 2024.

Update: 2021-07-16

When I originally wrote this I hadn't realised that I was using a customized version of USizeBox. UBYGSizeBox uses a customized version of SBox that aligns the contents ot the center of the widget rather than the left.

To use a custom SBox you will need to create a custom version of USizeBox.

void BYGSBox::OnArrangeChildren(const FGeometry& AllottedGeometry, FArrangedChildren& ArrangedChildren) const
	// ...

	if (NewHeight > MaxHeight)
		float Scale = MaxHeight / NewHeight;
		NewWidth *= Scale;
		NewHeight *= Scale;

	XAlignmentResult.Size = NewWidth;
	YAlignmentResult.Size = NewHeight;

	// CHANGE: Force contents to be center-aligned, not left-aligned
	XAlignmentResult.Offset = (MaxWidth - NewWidth) / 2.0f;
	YAlignmentResult.Offset = (MaxHeight - NewHeight) / 2.0f;

	bAlignChildren = false;

	// ...