Delegates are an incredibly useful way to make event-driven code. Conceptually they are relatively straightforward; allow functions to subscribe to a "delegate", and when the delegate is called, all those functions are called too! Kind of like a mailing list. Hopefully that makes sense, because the implementation in Unreal can get a little tricky.

First let's think about a common use for delegates: notifying the UI when something in the player state has changed. For example, when the player's score changes, we want the UI to update to show the new score. What does this look like, in more concrete terms?

  1. We add a new delegate variable to the APlayerState class, let's call it OnScoreChangedDelegate.
  2. Other things can subscribe to a APlayerState instance's OnScoreChangedDelegate. Subscribing means telling the delegate a function to call when it is executed.
  3. When APlayerState changes its score, it can execute or call OnScoreChangedDelegate
  4. Anyone who has subscribed is notified!

Before continuing, make sure that this concept makes sense to you. The concept should give you an anchor, as we go through the steps to get it working in Unreal.


In Unreal, there are four steps to setting up and using a delegate.

  1. Declare the delegate's signature: Just like a function, what parameters will your delegate have? Will it have a return type?
  2. Create variables of your new delegate: These are instances of your delegate that other functions can subscribe to.
  3. Subscribe to the delegate: You will need to connect any functions that you wish to be called when the delegate is called.
  4. Execute the delegate: Any functions that subscribed are called.

In this basic tutorial we will just create a Dynamic Multicast Delegate. It is the most general-purpose delegate and will hopefully give you a feel to delegates, before you jump into the Advanced Delegates Tutorial.

A Dynamic Multicast Delegate is:

  • Dynamic: For our purposes, this just means that it is compatible with Blueprints.
  • Multicast: More than one function can subscribe to the delegate at the same time.

1. Declaring a Delegate

The first step is to think about the signature of the functions that you want to be called by the delegate. What information do you want to be passed to the functions?

Going back to our score example, we would probably want the player's new score int32 NewScore at the very least. We can cover more parameters later. So a function called by our delegate might look like this:

void OnScoreChanged(int32 NewScore);

To declare a new delegate type, we need to use one of the DECLARE...DELEGATE macros. There are many different types but for now we will focus on Dynamic Multicast delegates.

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnScoreChangedSignature, int32, NewScore);

That's quite a mouthful, what are we doing here? Let's break it down:

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATEOK we're declaring a new Dynamic Multicast Delegate. That makes sense!
OneParamThe functions that the delegate calls will only have one parameter. Note that it is singular OneParam, not OneParams.
FOnScoreChangedSignatureThis is the name of our new delegate type. The standard prefix in the Unreal codebase is F and I prefer to add the Signature suffix.
int32, NewScoreOur parameter is of type int32 and has a name NewScore. Note there is a comma between our first parameter's type and its name.

We can put this declaration in the same place that we will be adding our delegate instance. For our score example, somewhere at the top of our APlayerState subclass's header. See the next step if that is not clear.

Adding another parameter

This part is completely optional, but what if we now have a multiplayer game, and we need to know which player's score has changed? We might also supply the APlayerState* PlayerState to functions called by the delegate:

void OnScoreChanged(int32 NewScore, APlayerState* OwningPlayer);

Our new delegate declaration would now look like this:

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_TwoParams(FOnScoreChangedSignature, int32, NewScore, APlayerState*, OwningPlayer);

Notice that the macro now has TwoParams instead of OneParam.

For now we'll continue our examples with just a single parameter.

2. Creating Variables of Delegate Type

We've declared the signature of our delegate, the parameters that they will supply to functions that they call. We now need to add the delegates to a class or struct somewhere, so others that want to be notified can subscribe to them. What you call them is up to you, but I like to name all of my delegates with the Delegate suffix.

To continue our player score and UI example, let's add our new OnScoreChangedDelegate to our APlayerState subclass.


#pragma once

#include "GameFramework/PlayerState.h"
#include "BUIPlayerState.generated.h"

DECLARE_DYNAMIC_MULTICAST_DELEGATE_OneParam(FOnScoreChangedSignature, int32, NewScore);

class ABUIPlayerState : public APlayerState

	// We want this public so our UI can access it to subscribe to it
	// Also adding BlueprintAssignable makes it accessible by blueprints
	FOnScoreChangedSignature OnScoreChangedDelegate;

3. Subscribe to a delegate

Now that we have declared our delegate, and created instances of it somewhere in our codebase, we can now connect one or more functions to them, so the functions will be called when the delegate is called.

There are a few different ways to subscribe to a delegate, but for the purposes of this tutorial we will be doing the most straightforward one, AddUniqueDynamic.


#include "BUIPlayerScoreWidget.h"
#include "BUIPlayerState.h"

void UBUIPlayerScoreWidget::Initialize()
	ABUIPlayerState* PlayerState = GetOwningPlayerState<ABUIPlayerState>();


void UBUIPlayerScoreWidget::OnScoreChanged(int32 NewScore)
	// Update the state of the UI

4. Call the delegate

Thankfully after all the previous work, this is relatively straightforward. We just need to call Broadcast on our delegate variable, and supply it with the parameters.

In our score example, that looks like this:


#include "BUIPlayerState.h"

void ABUIPlayerState::AddPoints(int32 Points)
	PlayerScore += Points;


Any functions that have subscribed to the delegate should now be executed whenever the delegate is Broadcast. You can verify this by setting a breakpoint in your OnScoreChanged functions (or throwing in some juicy print statements).


That was a lot to cover! Delegates are simple in concept "call a function and all the subscribers will be notified" but it gets kind of tricky in Unreal.

Once you are familiar with using Dynamic Multicast delegates, you're ready to move on to the Advanced Delegates Tutorial! There we cover:

  • More delegate types: single delegates, Non-dynamic delegates
  • Adding return values to delegates
  • Events